Past Events Video Series

May 20: Our right to know is on trial

May 18, 2024 — The latest installment in our “Start with the Truth” partnership with Stella Assange, an ongoing webinar series featuring discussions among experts on key aspects of Julian Assange’s case, gives a preview of the upcoming May 20th hearing in London.

Our panelists this month are:

  • Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer Prize–winning author and journalist who was a foreign correspondent for fifteen years for The New York Times, and now an independent journalist on Substack
  • Jesselyn Radack heads the Whistleblower and Source Protection Program (WHISPeR) at ExposeFacts. As Director of WHISPeR, her work focuses on the issues of secrecy, surveillance, torture and drones, where she has been at the forefront of challenging the government’s unprecedented war on whistleblowers, which has become a war on journalists, hacktivists and those who reveal information that the public has right to know but the government wants kept secret.
  • Carey Shenkman is a human rights attorney specializing in freedom of expression and technology. He is co-author of “A Century of Repression: The Espionage Act and Freedom of the Press” (2022)
Past Events Video Series

Debunking the ‘WikiLeaks Harm’ smear

April 13, 2024 — Continuing our new monthly webinar series, ‘Start with the Truth,’ in partnership with Stella Assange, this month we present ‘Debunking the ‘WikiLeaks Harm’ smear,” an investigation into WikiLeaks’ redaction process, particularly around the Iraq and Afgan War Logs, and the U.S. government’s evidence-free claim that Julian Assange intentionally published names and put sources in danger.

Our panelists this month are:

  • Hamit Dardagan is co-founder with John Sloboda of the NGO Iraq Body Count, where he is the lead analyst. From 2007 he was the Consultant on Civilian Casualties in War for the UK think-tank Oxford Research Group. He has written and co-written a number of analytical papers on casualties in Iraq after the 2003 invasion, including for the New England Journal of Medicine, PLoS Medicine, The Lancet and the British Medical Journal. He earlier undertook research for a number of organisations including Greenpeace and chaired Kalayaan, a human rights campaign for unauthorised overseas domestic workers in the UK.
  • Matthew Hoh is the Associate Director of the Eisenhower Media Network. Matt is a former Marine Corps captain, an Afghanistan State Department officer, a disabled Iraq War veteran, and a Senior Fellow Emeritus with the Center for International Policy. In 2009, Matt resigned his post with the State Department in Afghanistan over the escalation of the war by the United States. Matt is an advisory board member for the Assange Defense Committee.
  • Ann Wright has been a part of the peace community for 20 years and serves as a member of the CODEPINK Board of Directors. Before that, she was in the US Army/Army Reserves for 29 years and retired as a Colonel. She was also a US diplomat and served in US Embassies in Nicaragua, Grenada, Somalia, Kyrgyzstan, Sierra Leone, Micronesia, Afghanistan and Mongolia. She resigned from the US government in March 2003 in opposition to Bush’s war on Iraq.
Further reading:
Past Events Video Series

Start with the Truth: So, what now?

March 2, 2024 — Assange Defense and Stella Assange present a new monthly webinar series, “Start with the Truth.”

The topic for March is, “So, what now?”, a recap of Julian Assange’s latest extradition hearing in the UK and a look at what’s next.

This month’s panelists are Marjorie Cohn, a Professor of Law Emerita and past president of the National Lawyers Guild, Kevin Gosztola, journalist and author of “Guilty of Journalism: The Political Case Against Julian Assange”, and Stephen Rohde, a constitutional scholar, lecturer, and writer.

Video Series

My Son Julian Assange: Episode 2

An exclusive video series and an intimate fireside chat with John Shipton discussing the persecution of his son Julian Assange. Julian faces extradition to the US where he risks up to 175 years in a maximum security prison for publishing truth about war crimes.

Episode 2 – The impact of WikiLeaks Publications
  • “What has been the impact of WikiLeaks publications on the war in Afghanistan?”
  • “How do you respond to the US claims that these publications endangered lives?”
Video Series

My Son Julian Assange: Episode 1

An exclusive video series and an intimate fireside chat with John Shipton discussing the persecution of his son Julian Assange. Julian faces extradition to the US where he risks up to 175 years in a maximum security prison for publishing truth about war crimes.

Episode 1 – The UK Extradition Procedure
  • “What to think of the Jan. 4th 2021 decision by a UK court not to extradite Julian?”
  • “What is the Oct. 27-28, 2021, appeal really about?”
Press Release Video Series

Assange Support Video Project

Film your own brief testimonial video and we’ll edit it and share it on social media! Here are some examples — below we explain how to create and submit your own.

Boots Riley

Medea Benjamin

Max Blumenthal

Submit your own!

Parameters: Please limit your video to 40 seconds (20-30 is ideal) and film it horizontally, not vertically!

Sign: If you can, print out a sign (8.5” x 11” or A4 size paper). Your sign should either read #FreeAssange or summarize your argument in a word or phrase (e.g., “PRESS FREEDOM,” “STOP THE WARS,” “DON’T KILL THE MESSENGER”). Make the words as large as possible!

Script: Focus on making one brief argument.

  • Begin with “Because…” or “I care because…” (this answers the question “Why should I care about Julian Assange?” which will be graphically added to the video).
  • End with the words Free Assange (you can work them into a sentence if you prefer, such as “That’s why we President Biden should Free Assange” or “If we want a free press, we need to Free Assange”).

Submit: Email your video to and we’ll add graphics and promote it! 

Featured Video Series

Video Series: Assange’s Extradition Hearing

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to hear about new videos as soon as they’re out!

This playlist compiles all of our video coverage of Julian Assange’s resumed extradition hearing in September 2020, featuring commentary outside the courtroom in London summarizing legal developments. See our live blog for daily recaps and a guide to testimony throughout the proceedings.

Week 1 Summary

Week 2 Summary

Week 3 Summary

Week 4 Summary

Video Series

Video Series: Iraq War Logs

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to hear about new videos as soon as they’re out!

This playlist compiles our videos marking the 10-year anniversary of WikiLeaks’ publication of the Iraq War Logs. Beginning on October 22, 2010, WikiLeaks began releasing the U.S. Army’s significant activity reports, disclosed by military whistleblower Chelsea Manning, exposing years of war crimes, previously uncounted civilian casualties, and an unprecedented window into the realities of modern warfare.

Iraq War Logs: Chapter 1

Iraq War Logs: Chapter 2

Iraq War Logs: Chapter 3