Press Release

Call for Assange’s Freedom

Call your Senators, Representatives, the Department of Justice and the White House comment line. We can make clear to our elected officials that we demand the charges be dropped, the First Amendment be protected, and Assange be freed. Here’s how.

URGENT: Call on your Congressmember to sign the letter supporting Assange

This is very important. We have until the end of Tuesday, October 31st to get as many of our Congresspersons to sign on to the McGovern/Massie letter calling for Julian’s etradition to be dropped. Your representatives will be looking for your votes in the future and you need to make it clear to them that if they fail to defend the 1st amendment they do not deserve to be reelected.

Therefore, please call your US Representative each and every day at 202-224-3121.

Ask them to sign onto the McGovern (D)/Massie (R) letter circulating in the House. This letter asks President Biden to drop the case against Julian Assange. The letter will go to Biden on Tuesday, October 31. So please call NOW!

An Intercept article about this bipartisan letter to drop the Assange case is here.

The letter itself can be accessed here. It begins:

Dear President Biden,

As Members of Congress deeply committed to the principles of free speech and freedom of the press, we write to strongly encourage your Administration to withdraw the U.S. extradition request currently pending against Australian publisher Julian Assange and halt all prosecutorial proceedings against him as soon as possible. …

Please call each and every day 202-224-3121

Free Assange Phone Script

Hello, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY]. I’m calling to ask that the United States drop its case against Julian Assange. I’m deeply concerned about the ramifications that prosecuting a journalist for exposing American war crimes will have on our civil liberties.

President Biden promised that he would end Trump’s attacks on the press, yet his administration is continuing to seek Assange’s extradition.

The prosecution of Assange creates a dangerous precedent that will prevent journalists from holding our government accountable. Please protect our First Amendment and drop the case against Assange immediately.

Thank you for your time.

Contact your Senator

Phone numbers are available on each state’s page or on your senator’s website — a directory is also available here: Senators Suite & Telephone List (PDF)

Or you can call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard operator: (202) 224-3121

Find other ways to contact your Senator here.

Contact your Representative

Contact the Department of Justice

  • DOJ comment line: 202-353-1555
  • DOJ general phone number: (202) 514-2000
  • Email:

Ask Attorney General Merrick Garland to drop the prosecution of a publisher

Contact the White House

The White House comment line is open Tuesdays through Thursdays, from 11am to 3pm EDT, and callers have the option of speaking to an operator and leaving a voicemail. Please remember that respectful communication is most effective.

Urge support for H.Res. 934!