
June 17-21: Call Congress for Assange

This week’s installment of Call Congress for Julian Assange 

Julian Assange’s extradition appeal hearing has been scheduled at the UK High Court for July 9-10 in London. Meanwhile, Julian remains in prison in the UK and faces a life sentence if sent to the United States, so the Mayday for Julian effort has now morphed into Calling Congress for Julian.

As before, this is an action you can do from the comfort of your home. We are again asking you to make 6 calls per week to the House, and we’re adding an additional 6 calls to the Senate. We are focusing on the 5 congresspersons and 5 senators listed below. In addition to them, please include a call to your own Congressperson and Senator.


Please call these U.S. Representatives to co-sponsor H. Res. 934 to drop the charges and extradition of Julian Assange. And call these U.S, Senators to urge President Biden to drop the charges. Remind them that once Julian is extradited, and this could be as soon as his new trial is completed, the ability of journalists to expose government crimes will be forever compromised.

It is now more important to halt this extradition and your calls can make the difference.

When you speak to each office please remember to be polite and brief. If they tell you that the representative only accepts calls from their constituents politely tell them that protection of the 1st Amendment is something that is important to all of us. Politely remind them of the oath of office that they took to protect our constitution and that is the reason for this call from a non-constituent.

You can reach all of them through the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 or use the numbers below:

If you prefer to use a script, here is one for contacting U.S. Representatives:

“My name is ____ and I would like Congressperson ____ to sign on to House Resolution 934 to free Julian Assange.

I am hoping that _______will add (his or her) name to the bipartisan House Resolution 934 to drop the charges and extradition request for Assange.

“All major press freedom and human rights organizations are opposed to this extradition. Additionally, an overwhelming majority of Australians, along with Australian PM Anthony Albanese have forcefully called for this extradition to be dropped as well. That is because they all understand our ability to know what our government is doing in our name and with our tax dollars is essential to our democracy – and that this can only occur with a free press.

“Protect press freedom! Please sign on to H. Res. 934. Thank you!”


Now, please call the following members of the Senate. Ask them to urge President Biden to drop the charges against Julian Assange and to drop the request for his extradition.

You can reach all of them through the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 or use the numbers below:

If you prefer to use a script, here is one for contacting U.S. Senators:

“My name is ____ and I would like Senator ____ to stand up for press freedom and Julian Assange.

“I am hoping that _______will urge President Biden to drop the charges and extradition request for Assange.”

“All major press freedom and human rights organizations are opposed to this extradition. Additionally, an overwhelming majority of Australians, along with Australian PM Anthony Albanese have forcefully called for this extradition to be dropped as well. That is because they all understand our ability to know what our government is doing in our name and with our tax dollars is essential to our democracy – and that this can only occur with a free press.

“Protect press freedom! Thank you!”

Look for a new list each week until Julian is free. Thank you for all your efforts for Julian Assange!