NYC: Day X Action at the UK Consulate

Protest to Defend a Free Press This is the last chance to stop the extradition of Julian Assange. The UK court has confirmed that a public hearing will take place […]

Boston: Day X protest to free Assange

MA State House 24 Beacon St, Boston

Boston area activists will join in a worldwide show of support for Julian Assange and press freedom on Tuesday, Feb 20th, noon, at the MA State House. This is the first […]

Denver: Free Assange Now!

Denver State Capitol 200 E Colfax Ave, Denver

Day X is almost here! We hope to see you all at our rally on Tuesday 2/20 from 4-6pm at the Colorado State Capitol. We need to make a good […]

Los Angeles: It’s Now Or Never For Julian Assange’s Fate

LA 4 Assange Headquarters 1268 N Avenue 50, Los Angeles

A Two Day Event by Free Assange in LA Come for a Banner Drop. Come to send Postcards to all 435 Congresspersons. Come to Ride in the Assange Mobile. Come […]